Baboo Sez

Baboo Hatez Steekurs

"Baboo Hatez Steekurs" steekur. Make ur head spin, no? Priced so only Papa Wulf can use it, or mabee crazys IMVU n00b wid no sens uf money, or much sodium fluoride in brainz. Hope dat is not u, but deres crazy peepol evryooer.


The following mini-catalog showcases a few of the items I've derived for my rooms and for very very VERY few buddies—since I rarely do custom work, it's a PITA. I have no unifying theme or marketing "gimmick" to set me apart from other "devs," nor am I interested in joining any clique to increase my apparent level of coolness or my visibility. I'm a lone wolf. If I see something I like, and if I'm in the mood for it, I derive it. 'Nuff said.

Wulfhearth's Attic

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nbclub Jukebox Jukebox Jukebox appliances tables picture frame
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nbclub nbclub nbclub nbclub nbclub nbclub nbclub

sad monkey