PurpleWizardsStaff : Need to lay down the magical smack down on your enemies? Or maybe you need to protect yourself from others nefarious attacks? Well do both with the Wizard's Staff! Well I can't tell you which Wizard this staff belongs to, I can say he's neither a whiny teenager or associated with Tolkien. In any case, this staff remains hidden until summoned forth from the Ether, at which time it can strike out against your foes with a powerful barrage of Lightning, or protect you within a bubble of mystical energy. And, just for kicks, it can also confuse your foes with it's Cloning and Teleporting abilities. Not only is this a powerful and capable mystical tool, but it also looks pretty cool too. All the fashionable Warlocks will be using them this year! Here's the Commands: "SummonStaff" brings the staff forth from the mystical plane. (It's hidden until used!) "Lightning" calls forth a barrage of Lightning Bolts to SMITE your enemies. "Shield" Generates a powerful mystical barrier to protect you for a short while. "Clone" moves you back and forth so fast that you appear to be in two places at once! "Teleport" zips you around wildly to confuse and bewilder your foes. (move into or out of a seat, or change your clothing, to make the staff disappear again)
