
Custom HTML

The custom HTML will be easy to order.
I have a few posepacks to choose from, which automaticly is a notice for me you want the custom HTML. The posepack you buy for it will cost 2.000 c.

Why a Posepack?!
When you want a custom HTML code you probably want a few pictures of yourself to go in it. Well, that's where the posepack comes in. You use the poses from that posepack to make pictures without a background. You upload these and you make sure I can easily find them.


How does it work
to get a costum HTML

When I send you a message that I accepted the request, I will ask for a message back to me with specifications.
It has to have the next specifications:

- Background colour
- How many pictures
- How many blocks
- Info about yourself, anything u want in there
- Font style (like times new roman, tahoma, lucida sans)
- Text colour
- Colour of the blocks (one description will give the blocks the same colour, when wanted different u let me know)
- Specific links you want and in what colour and text it should show to click on
- A valid email adress to send it to (I can't send it in a personal message, HTML works in that too)

When you have send me all this,
I will finish it as soon as possible. You can always try to contact me about the process of your request.

Furter note:
If I find out you are using my HTML codes to sell to others,
I will report this immediately.
I do not make the codes for you to make more money,
I make it so you can use it on your homepage.


This posepack has a few poses,
Poses: x01 - x10
Facial: xD01 - xD08

Find my other products!

Enjoy, xDeaDea