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John the Balladeer Silver-Stringed Guitar

John the Balladeer Silver-Stringued Guitar, part of an ensemble derived for my Halloween-themed Hell House in the Mist haunted house. I've also made the following items for the Silver John character:

halloween halloween halloween halloween

I made this for myself since I wanted to dress as Silver John for Halloween, but you are welcome to buy it if you wish. I used high contrast light effects in the texture to simulate the glow of the silver strings as best as I could, and it looks best in a darkened room.

John the Balladeer Silver-Stringued Guitar comes with eight actions, and works for both MALE and FEMALE avatars. The guitar loads holstered on your back. The triggers are:

- GD - Draw the guitar and prepare to play! -
- GH - Reholster your guitar -
- HOLD - Show off your guitar -
- R1 - Basic play
- R2 - Heavier strumming -
- R3 - Major solo! -
- HB - Just in case the head bang isn't enough, use this to do it even harder -
-SJ1 to SJ6 - Six folk songs solo guitar tunes (up to 20 seconds each), including two excerpts inspired by the Silver John stories (SJ1 and SJ2) by Joe Bethancourt

Silver John is a fictional character from a series of fantasy stories by Manly Wade Wellman, one of my favorite authors. Though fans refer to him as Silver John or as John the Balladeer, the stories call him simply John.

Who Fears the Devil?

The stories are set in the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina. The time is never explicitly given but seems to be the middle of the twentieth century. John is a wandering singer who carries a guitar with silver strings. He is a veteran of the Korean War and resembles a young Johnny Cash. He frequently encounters creatures and superstitions from the folk tales and superstitions of the mountain people.

Though John has no special skills or weapons (other than basic Army training), his courage, wit and essential goodness always allow him to triumph over supernatural evils. He has an implied mystic link of some sort to John the Baptist, and much of his personal philosophy can be traced to a "primitive", Gospel-based Christianity. He is widely read, and it is implied that his knowledge of folk legendarium is of Ph.D level. On one occasion he is "employed" by the State Department to investigate on their behalf a possible instance of Satanism.

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Before you muster your courage to open the trapdoor to the lair, you hear a guitar strumming in the distance. You don't know why, but for the first time a ray of hope shines on your weary heart. You walk to the window of the house, and you see outside among the mists a tall man staring at the house intesely. He slings his silver-stringued guitar over his shoulder, and immediately notices your gaunt features framed against the dirty window pane.

"Evenin'," the man said in a friendly tone. "I believe this house is givin' you folks quite a hellride. I reckon I might be of assistance."

You are surprised to find voice enough to speak. "Who... who are you?"

He smiles warmly. "Just call me John."
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Banner of The Horror of Hell House Collection

Will you be able to survive the horrors that await you within the abandoned Hell House in the Mists?

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halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween
halloween halloween

Bikini Monster Babes From Hell collection The Horror of Hell House Collection
Mythologicals collection Porta del Sol collection