This is now a derivable item.
If you derive from this item,
you can not allow others to
derive from you.

.-._.::[ COUCH END TEMPLATE ]::._.-.

NOTE: Only the COUCH END has a template. The remaining images are all squares or rectangles.
Easy derivable items, many possible effects can be created.
See what others have made: DERIVED ITEMS

NOTE: You must replace all images in this model, or a TAKE-DOWN violation will be filed.

This custom couch is more than an "L", and less then a "U".

The separate images are, Pad_Top(200px X 200px), Pad_Front(200px X 50px), Pad_Back(220px X 80px), Generic(128px X 256px), Head(80px X 220px), End(233px X 549px). You do not have to fight with odd wrapping.

See more of my new products.