When you're in danger and need an immediate hiding place, this is the ultimate tool for personal protection :3

Custom version for my friend BreathLeMort :p

Item has 14 triggers:
! <-- Plays danger animation.
!! <-- Plays danger animation with sound.
!!! <-- Plays bigger sized danger animation.
Duck <-- Plays ducking animation, short lasting effect.
Crouch <-- Plays crouching animation, long lasting effect.
Hide <-- Plays hiding in box animation, shorter lasting effect than with BRB.
Back <-- Plays notification sound. Note: Doesn't remove hideout box.
KnockKnock <-- Plays knocking sound.
BRB <-- Plays hiding in box animation, long lasting effect.
BRB! <-- Plays hiding in animation with sound, position lasts a brief time.
WTF! <-- Plays danger sound, same as ! trigger but without the animation that goes with it.
WTF!!! <-- Plays danger sound with a bigger exclamation, good for use when not in the hideout box.
Yummy <-- Plays yummy sound.
Kiss <-- Plays kissing sound.

Important Notes:
1. Crouch and Duck animations can cause Hide and BRB/BRB! animations to get disabled, most obvious solution to this is to remove and wear the item to reset things.
2. Back trigger doesn't remove the box, it only plays a sound effect. To remove a box you can change your pose or remove the item.

Plz try before u buy :p

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