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Hell House Poisoned Well

Hell House Poisoned Well, derived for my Halloween-themed Hell House in the Mist haunted house. It poseless, but the bucket sways as if moved by the wind.

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[FLAVOR TEXT:] Your buddies laughed at all the warnings on the walls and on the well. They even added a few of their own for fun. The water tasted fine after all, probably healthier than the bottled water they took with them. You refrained from drinking it however, and became witness of your buddies suddden shift in mood. Whatever it was they drank, it was dredging the worst parts of their personalities to the surface...

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Banner of The Horror of Hell House Collection

Will you be able to survive the horrors that await you within the abandoned Hell House in the Mists?

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halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween
halloween halloween

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