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Hell House Stone Markers

Hell House Stone Markers, two graves side by side, derived for my Halloween-themed Hell House in the Mist haunted house.

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[FLAVOR TEXT:] Are these really graves? After reading the books in the ancient book case, you are no longer sure. If you take the writings at face value, these are really stone markers to appease some sort of dark, ancient deity. So... what then is buried within the small mounds of mossy dirt? Offerings?

You smile tensely, thinking it ironic that you'd probably feel at ease if these were actual graves. You turn to go back inside the house, when an object in the dirt catches your attention. A finger? You kneel for a closer look...

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Will you be able to survive the horrors that await you within the abandoned Hell House in the Mists?

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halloween halloween

Bikini Monster Babes From Hell collection The Horror of Hell House Collection
Mythologicals collection Porta del Sol collection