Second half of the first Star Trek sound box.
All sounds listed as followed:
attention- To notify everyone throughout the ship/room.
breach- Notifying that the ship is being boarded by unwanted persons. Or the ship's hull is breached.
doorchime- A indication that someone is at the door.
redalert- Notify everyone that there is danger within or outside.
slowwarp- Bringing the ship to a all-stop and in standard orbit.
phasers- To activate the ship's phaser weapon system.
probe- Launching a science or any other probe to collect information.
viewscreen- Activating the viewscreen on.
tractor- To activate the ship's tractor-beam.
warp- The ship's warp speed.
hail2- Opening a ship's hail to contact another ship or vessel.
intercom- To contact personnel from within throughout the ship.