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Hell House Dark Basement

Hell House Dark Basement, derived for my Halloween-themed Hell House 1 haunted house. The room add-on comes with 7 floor nodes, 7 wall nodes, and 2 ceiling nodes. There are also 8 avatar standing nodes.

Here are some notes about my personal experience with this item, which may save you some headaches as you try to tame it:

(1) The original mesher wrote the following (and very important) technical note:

"[Although] the model has been equipped with these furniture nodes, the 3D engine doesn't know how to load items onto the unit if it loads after the other items - This is beyond my control and I guess we'll have to wait for the programmers to find a solution."

In other words, if the BASEMENT loads first, no problem. If the FURNITURE loads first, IMVU doesn't know what to do with it, and it will drop it elsewhere on the map (feel free to groan in frustration now). To sidestep this annoying issue, all you have to do is ANCHOR the furniture to the MAIN ROOM, instead of the basement, and this will ensure they ALWAYS load in place (since the main room is ALWAYS the first thing to load). Do the following: load the furniture in the MAIN ROOM as close as possible to where you placed the basement, and then use SHIFT-Move, CTRL-Move, and ALT-move to position it. Lock in place your hard work with the Padlock tool afterwards.

(2) This is probably a rare glitch, which I have only experienced with my Dark Megalith Temple. When I tested it in my Hell House room everything went FINE, no problems at all, but I want to mention it in case it happens to you. In the Temple, SLIDING the basement up and down with the Move tool, or using the Rotate tool, caused the IMVU client to crash. However, I could move it HORIZONTALLY underground without any issues. If this also happens to you: try to position your avatar as close as possible to the place where you want the basement to appear, then load it there. That way you can avoid moving it around. After loading it, just apply the padlock to it to avoid moving it accidentally later on.

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[FLAVOR TEXT:] Will you be bold enough to confront the Dweller of Hell House on its own ground? The walls and ceiling are covered with the skulls of all her previous victims, while the wooden floor still smolders from the supernatural flames that reshaped her flesh so many years ago. There seems to be a tunnel in the middle of the room leading deeper into the earth. You are the only hope your foolish friends have, however. If they still live.

All of a sudden, before you muster your courage to open the trapdoor, you hear a guitar strumming in the distance. You don't know why, but for the first time a ray of hope shines on your weary heart. You walk to the window of the house, and you see outside among the mists a tall man staring at the house intensely. He slings his silver-stringed guitar over his shoulder, and immediately notices your gaunt features framed against the dirty window pane.

"Evenin'," the man said in a friendly tone. "I believe this house is givin' you folks quite a hellride. I reckon I might be of some assistance."

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Banner of The Horror of Hell House Collection

Will you be able to survive the horrors that await you within the abandoned Hell House in the Mists?

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halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween
halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween
halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween
halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween
halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween
halloween halloween

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