Guy Gardner (Earth's Green Lantern IV) is a former school teacher whom Abin Sur's ring selected as an alternative to Hal Jordan, but Jordan was closer so Sur chose him instead. Gardner later suffered brain damage, and was unbalanced when he recovered enough to function. He was awarded a ring by a rogue faction of Guardians during Crisis on Infinite Earths. After losing a 1-on-1 fight with Hal Jordan, to see who would be the Green Lantern of the Earth Sector (2814), Gardner was forced to abandon his Green Lantern Ring. Guy acquired the yellow power ring of Sinestro and his own comic series began with him using that ring. The yellow ring did not use a battery to recharge but actually needed to be used against Green Lanterns to restore power. Gardner found this out by accident when a member of the GLC fought him while he had absolutely no power. As the yellow ring of Sinestro spoke Sinestro's native language, Guy was entirely unable to communicate with the ring, although it seemed to understand him to a degree. He served in Maxwell Lord's JLI until all Green Lantern rings lost their power when Parallax destroyed Oa. Finding himself powerless, he went on a quest for a mythical source of power deep in the jungle. This power source activated dormant extraterrestrial DNA in him, providing him with the ability to morph his body into various different forms -- mainly in the form of weapons. He then adopted the identity of Warrior. Gardner has since been purged of his extraterrestrial DNA and is currently a Green Lantern once more, having risen to the rank of Honor Guard Lantern #1, now outranking all sector Lanterns and acting as a troubleshooter and advisor.