Want something different from the American flag? DROP DEAD! USA! USA! USA!

LOL! No, just kidding! You should Derive It! Make your own custom version. You can even sell your work for a bit more then I charge and keep the profit for yourself. Below are the templates you'll need to get started:

Here's a "Clean" version of the texture for the Body of the Hover Board. Just slap your design over this detail, fade between them, and BAM! Instant new board:

This is the Wireframe for the Body. Use this if you want to make a new skin from scratch:

This isa "Clean" version of the texture for Fins on the side and bottom of the Board:

This is the Mask I used. White Parts are visible, Black Parts and invisible. By adjusting this Black and White image, you can make the Fins appear in almost any shape you can think of:

This the Wireframe template for the Fins. Use this to help you design completely new Fins: