Modern Rug 3 Poses:
A wonderful rug to share with friends, family, or girls night in with three poses.
The rug is in a modern design of gold and white ribbons set on a black background.
The rug has four matching pillows in the same design as the rug.
At the top of the mat are three coffee/tea cups filled to the brim.
There are two magazines stacked upon each other while the third is open to read for the avie in the laying pose.
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HoneyBlonde SalonStyle Eyebrows, Purple Pansy Tank Top, Twin Falls Honey Blonde, Mika Base Honey Blonde, Purple Pansy Mini Skirt, Cozy Loft Apartment, and other GnawtyGirl Desings can be seen here.
Skin avie is wearing is Camel - Elegant Sexy by DominicSava.