Voice Box Thingy Stuffs.

I would list da Triggers, but it's easier just to click on em in the menu. Right?
OK OK OK UGH here they are GOSHHHH :D

ahh (sneeze ~.^)
bh (Bloody Hell)
fail (Umm Fail??!)
hairbrush (idk lolz)
idc (i don't care) ( it's true, i don't)
no (haha .. heh.. no >.<)
obsd (why are you obsessed wiff me? *gasp*)
omg (omg)
uh-uh ( as in NO)
uhuh (as in YES ~.^)
umm (ummm ~Ooo~)
w3 (Whatev..)

OH yea and they don work on GURLIESSS (duh? ^.^)

And these ish just 4 fun, soooo, if you're all into taking stuff seriously and have a pasty white frowzy face 24/7 wiff big pointy monster ears dressed in grey and black, then, well, ima scream and lick your face ^.^ lalala.