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Natural Soda Bar with Dance Stage

Large, round soda bar. We don't serve alcohol here, neither do we sell sodas with poisons like aspartame or high fructose corn syrup. We like our sugar real and our preservatives natural, thank you very much. Go to MacDonalds or Burger King if you want to drink that . Our gourmet sodas have greater punch than the plastic stuff you are used to drink, and they're even good for you in moderation! (Well, at least better than the car oil with fizz you drink... yeah, I'm looking at YOU.) There's even a dancing stage in the middle to help you burn all those extra calories!

Hehe. Well, if the flavor text above was not clear enough, none of the drinks in this bar has any alcohol in it, ok? They're all of the "new wave" of soft drinks which are in fact just going back to the old ways of making great stuff to drink. Please TRY IT first so you can see how big this bar really is. If you prefer an AP version, click here.

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