Two versions of Octopus Paul: Ⅰand Ⅱ click here to get another version!
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Oh yeah! I'm Paul, a great Correct Choice Provider. Sometimes, making a choice is a pretty arduous task. What's more, u never know what's the result caused by ur choice. To be or not to be, that's a question!
Never mind! U know that I'm Paul!
Just type trigger: CHOICE and all is suddenly enlightened!
Nine extra interactive triggers: yes, no, clap2, lol2, cry2, rocker2, mad2, shocked2, despair2, choice2, love2, kisses2, hug2.

Love my Paul ,post your unique suggestions for him and cast your valuable vote for him in this thread. CLICK HERE>>

I'll update Paul on a regular basis according to your message in forum. You will be awarded any one product of AdventSeed(except bundle) once when your suggestion is adopted.

What's more, anyone who bought Paul will always own the latest and more versatile Paul.

If u have bought one and hope he can make different poses which u prefer,so pls leave ur advice here!U will have a well-designed pet of your own~

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