Aglow in the colors of the cosmos with plush pillows of stars, this sofa features 9 poses!
head pet (2 for the head petter due dif sizes of heads, the large default avi head vs the smaller)
back rub
and 2 normal seating poses

Thank you to Moroboshi for being my male model - he spoiled me wonderfully!

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Head Pet:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Back rub, oh yeeeaaaahhhh....
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If you enjoy the grandeur of the universe even half as much as I do, view my other products for a huge array of matching furnishings and rooms!
Auto-Blinger available on my homepage!

If you enjoy the grandeur of the universe even half as much as I do, view my other products for a huge array of matching furnishings and rooms!
Thank you as always to NASA and Hubble!