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Very special MESH, please read on.
This mesh comes with 2 different lighting sources, both of a different colour. Basically what this means is that dependant on where you avatar is standing in the room the lighting will make it look different as in real life, if you move arounnd a club the different lighting reflects off you making you seem more of one colour and les of another. Try it. The colours literally mean that you will actually fel you are in an actual club with real lighting! 2 different colours, also as with most 3d rooms the ability to adjust the ambient lighing to define shadows. As I have said a very special room and offered to you very cheap to derive from.
The name of this product says it all really, a simple cheap club for you to derive. Furniture and stading spats all over including 1 behind the bar, derive your own cheap club.

The 2 lighting colours used in this room and YELLOW and RED.

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