Star Light Club 3

Nice Open Layout an has a fast load time

Medium to large room

starlightclub3pic3.jpg picture by mutsies

The  main floor has a  dance pit and 8 rounded and raised hubs 

for stages, dancing or sitting areas

This club also has a hanging top level


11 standing nodes (9 in the main entry hub, and 2 on the riser platform)

644 floor nodes, 25 ceiling nodes


This club has a sunk-in dance level and a very good mesh for navigating around the room

starlightclub3pic3.jpg picture by mutsies

Furniture is not included

starlightclub3pic14.jpg picture by mutsies


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I used these matching furniture to make this club complete

You can find them in my catalog or click on the icons to see more pics

More colors in this same Star Light Club you can find in my catalog

Or click on the icons



Click on the Banner

developermutsiebanner.gif picture by mutsies

mutsiebanner.gif picture by Mutssss