this is a transparent sticker Ok short version of my story. I want people to hear it so people can get help. I do not want pitty though. I am a single mother of a angel who really did save my life. I was in a realtionship for two years where I was abused. Metal at first then became violant. The time I was able to get help, I was forced to stay in a different state in his room for 2 weeks. Everyone thought he would kill me. My mother was scared she would get us back in body bags.. He hurt me and my son many times in that 2 weeks and someone finally heard my screams for help called the cops and got me out of there. I got help and I was lucky enough that it wasn't to late for me and my son. I wish I could say the same for everyone. For without my son I couldn't leave him.. I wasn't strong enough but I had to protect a 3 month old I couldn't let him get hurt anymore. He is a happy 16 month old now. And we moving on and stronger because of it. Thank you if you read my story. And PLEASE if you know someone who is being abused.. HELP THEM GET HELP!