Hellsing Eyes Edition:Rip van Winkle,YES all you formor rippy fans look wat iv got! ~waves popcorn infront of you~ no its not popcorn its 'mt'Rip Van Winkle eyes! yes you can cosplay as your fav oprea crazed musket vampire with these butties.Her bullet punishes all without distiction!Watch out for upcomeing eyes and products!From your fav serius! ~drum roll~ HELLSING! ((picture may vary)) Photobucket and the AMAZEING model nd rip cosplayer SUPREM!!!!!RIPVANW1NKLE!!!! 8D she is the great freind and fashionesta x3 who made these eyes ^^ snice she dosnet own her name yet i help her out :3 if yu want to check her out click that! > http://avatars.imvu.com/Guest_RipVanW1nkle