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SFA Sonic Temple Mic (Male)

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Use this microphone to create YouTube videos with IMVU!

Combine triggers for hundreds of combinations!

Start making your music videos today with this exquisite Sonic Temple Microphone!

Pose Action Trigger Words: m1 through m18
Facial Action Trigger Words: f1 through f7

If you want to make a movie:

Type = *movie #1 #2

Both '#1' and '#2' are time measurements in seconds. #1 is the length of the final movie. #2 is how many seconds it's going to wait before you start recording. So, if you want to make a 20 second movie that starts five seconds after you hit return, you would type *movie 20 5

The video is stored in your IMVU folder. What's more, you can type *YouTube and have your video automatically upload to your YouTube account. AWESOME!

spotter quality products

Designz by Brandigurl