In the Tradition of giving you the most detailed, and realistic shoes that IMVU has to offer..comes the Raikwun™ Originals Blitz Limited Edition®!

This Shoes is the latest creation that I'm very proud of. Designed to please every single Man's soul, this sneakers will take you to the new heights of fashion. Trimmed, detailed, with the patented RAIKWUN™ RAGING DRAGON© INSIGNIA on each side of the Shoes,
A Symbol on the back and on the tongue tip of it, This baby will boast of its ultra sleek, suave appearance.

Guaranteed to swoon your girl and make the guys envy you, for wearing this one of a kind pairs!

Better grab now co'z I made only 200 pairs of these awesome Originals™!!

To all who bought this...Please feel free to REVIEW it.. It will further enhance my artistic hand to Create more astonishing and unique Products..Thanks in ADVANCE!

Still ( 200 ) TWO HUNDRED pieces left in MY warehouse... Better GRAB yours NOW!!!

This is the List of Avatar that are NOW PROUD OWNER of Raikwun™ Originals Blitz Limited Edition®:


Be One of a kind! buy Raikwun Originals™ Now!