This donation sticker is not meant for "begging",
on the contrary, IMVU inadvertantly cheated me out of 50k in credits
during their "50% off Badge Sale", and I want those credits back.
They won't refund them to me, so I am hoping that if
enough generous customers and/or friends purchase this sticker, I can recover at least SOME of what I lost.

Please refer to the display/preview pix to know what color/style you are buying/trying on.
Problem with a product? PM Me before leaving a bad review.

Actual Sticker Size.
Transparent Background.
Your Copy Will NOT Have "SAMPLE" Across It.

Like my products, please take a minute and leave a nice review?
Badge on Homepage, you want it? WORK for it. No page embedding for you lot. My minions like it filthy and fiesty. muahaha!

Slow down the freaking fast animated icons & banners!
I'm really tired of getting migraines, seizures, and general eyeball bleeding
just so you people can "pretend" these animated abominations
actually bring in more sales.
Point a laser pointer into your eyeball and then turn it on and off repeatedly for about an hour,
then talk to me about "what's the big deal about fast animations?"

Images© Splattertude™ 2010