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Gentlemen, ever come across someone in chat who just flat out can't take a hint. Some person who goes to no end to insult you. Some girl perhaps who won't rest until they have dirtied your good name and ruined your fine reputation. Ever feel like just clicking the window closed and adding these people to the Block List is just not enough justice. Want to get in the last word and tell them how you really feel? Now you can.

Here it is Gentlemen, the Invisible Pepper Spray Voice Box for Men. Give them a dose of your distaste for tarnishing your IMVU experience. This Invisible Voice Box will offer you a fine assortment of insults and spiteful rhetoric to fit any task. And if you really want to hit them good, bombem, which will trigger every insult in the box, and make you feel a little bit better.

TRIGGER WORDS: pepper1 to pepper20 plus you get to bombem for those special sorts where one dose isn't enough.

See also the Restricted Content Version, known as Mace, which can be used together with Pepper Spray!

If sound and music is the game, here is the name TROUBLEMAKENME. Not only is she a fast rising star in the developing community, but she is also one of the most dedicated to her customers. Click on the banner below to see her vast array of products.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting