Glowing in the colors of the cosmos, bring the starry sky to meet your beach or pool for a romantic setting. As always I thank NASA and Hubble for bringing us the grandeur of the universe. A stellar nursery of young blue stars on the umbrella and chairs are illuminated by the sun while gentle stars adorn the semi-transparent glass table top of stars.

Shown against a blue backdrop so you can see the stars in the opacity of the table top:

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Shown against white, since the stars are white, it looks clear is this setting, so your scene will add its own special hues:
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View my other products for a universe of matching pool products, outdoor furniture, rooms and furnishes!

Auto-Blinger available on my homepage!

If you enjoy the grandeur of the universe even half as much as I do, view my other products for a huge array of matching furnishings and rooms!
Thank you as always to NASA and Hubble!