Modular Ramparts - Gate with L-Shaped Entrance Click to see this room before you buy

A rampart is a protective barrier or wall used as a fortification to defend an area from an enemy attack. These Modular Ramparts are the individual sections that are furniture you can use to make your own custom walled compound in an open space or other room. All the dimensions match and they all have the same textures to allow you to connect them seamlessly. Originally designed for my Western Wall - Jerusalem room to defend the Holy City, they can also be used to defend castles or other open space structures.

At the bottom of this page is a link to the other Modular Rampart Sections.

Rampart Gate with Straight-Thru Entrance
This Furniture Item is the section inside the Green Box only.

Rampart Gate
This is the Gate with L-Shaped Entrance section.

Rampart Gate
Brick walls and paving stones in walkway above match other sections and can be seamlessly connected.
This gate has an L-Shaped entrance. You may also want to check out the Gate with Straight-Thru Entrance.

Rampart Gate
This gate has an L-Shaped tunnel entrance. This is designed to slow a charging enemy attack.

Rampart Corner
Different sections can be connected together to form simple square compounds.

Rampart Corner
Different sections can be connected together to form complex irregular shaped compounds too. Design your own!

There are no furniture nodes or standing poses in the walkway on top. This was done to allow you to scale to the size you want without scaling the nodes and whats attached to them as well. To stand in the walkway on top you will have to add a standing spot. Other furniture items can be moved up there using your move tool. This maintains the original size of avatars and furniture on top if you resize it.

Please Try Before You Buy. Sorry, No Refunds. If you have a problem or question, please message me so I can help.

Other Modular Rampart Sections

Corner Wall Gate w/Straight-Thru Entrance Gate w/L-Shaped Entrance Wall Corner Wall Corner
Clicking on a Rampart Section opens a catalog page for that item in a New Window.

Be Creative and Build Your Own Walled City with these Modular Ramparts!
Click to see this room before you buy