Collection of Amor

Mi Amor Manor

A very modern manor

with 2 levels and lots of rooms & a outside terras

 miamoremanorpic6.jpg picture by mutsies

19 animations & 20 poses & a car ride

 miamoremanorpic11.jpg             miamoremanorpic10.jpg



A pool room and lots of glass windows

Inside lots of space and lots of furniture nodes also on the walls


 miamoremanorpic12.jpg          miamoremanorpic13.jpg

Upstairs is a lounge room with couches included


Relaxing in the pool room the couches are included


It is a challenge to design this room

cause all the walls and spaces are not straight


 miamoremanorpic14.jpg picture by mutsies         miamoremanorpic15.jpg

Furniture is not included

  amorbathpic3.jpg picture by mutsies

 amorbarpic3.jpg                   amorbarpic2.jpg


 amorcouchpic3.jpg    amordinnertablepic1.jpg


amorbedpic3.jpg    amorbedpic2.jpg


amorlamppic.jpg      amorfireplacepic1.jpg

I have used these furniture to make this manor complete

You can find in my catalog or  you can click on the icons




amorloversrosespic2.jpg     amorloversrosespic1.jpg



Click on the Banner

developermutsiebanner.gif picture by mutsies

mutsiebanner.gif picture by Mutssss