This Castle was a special request Done with an ornate black velvet design on the wall paper, The floor is mahogany , trim 24 carat gold, there is turquoise in the pool the bluer turquoise is in the bottom and the greener aqua turquoise on the sides, there is tourmaline on the counter and in the shadowing textures, etched black glass on the pillars Grey stone ceiling & the same stone used in the entrance of the castle the stained glass was specifically chosen for not just the masculine look but for the gold, I felt it tide magnificently together The castle is a soft light Grey stone with a light wood bridge crossing the mote Please leave a review Bless Be ~AmithystSky
Go to ImageShack® to Create your own Slideshow I had to change one wall for the requester this SO in the slide show behind the hot tub NOW there will be stained glass instead of the black wall paper