For my 100th product and beyond I had to find something special, and I did!
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD! Welcome to Pleiades Moon, awaiting your colonization!
This product page is for the Pleiades Moon Canopy.

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Thanks to the wizardry of Whyst and Cassiopeia in their creativity for new worlds and brilliant new concepts in building multi-level grids, I am able to bring you to a far flung worldlet - Pleiades Moon! The beauty of the Pleiades sky gently rotates overhead, just a bit faster than here on earth, and the lunar surface awaits your imagination.

Pleiades Moon has FIVE invisible levels of floor nodes so you can build right up into the sky using the specially developed building components from single to double platforms, staircases, connecting bridges and more! To SEE the placement grid to assist and show you where all the nodes are - type ‘setgrid’ to show the grid and ‘unsetgrid’ to hide it again (no quotes, just the words). If you have not worked on multi-planed axes before, you will find it takes patience to get everything aligned just right level to level BUT it is SO worth it to build your own unique, customized world!

How far can your imagination go?
View my other products for building your space colony! You will also find my huge line of Celestial furnishings that match ALL my rooms! The ONLY proprietary items you need here are the building blocks! Choose from single to double platforms, stairways and stair returns which may also be used for walkways, bridges, screens (railings), a beautiful spire, domed pavillion and more. Remember - with furnishings - BUY ONLY ONE - then keep clicking ADD for AS MANY AS YOU WISH and build away to your heart's content!

ALL ITEMS SHOWN ARE SOLD SEPARATELY, buy only the building blocks you wish to use, then bring in whatever furnishings you desire!

This Celestial Canopy, reflecting the Pleiades themselves, provides a beautiful veiwing spot of the grandeur of the universe - happy building!

I just did a simple 3 tier arrangement and a bit of decorating, furnishings not included:
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If you enjoy the grandeur of the universe even half as much as I do, view my other products for a huge array of matching furnishings and rooms!
Thank you as always to NASA and Hubble!