CBholidays Shop by CBMVB

Derivable Short Pajamas: for women.

Short PJ Black Tip F drv

Black belt, black straps from the pajama top. Opacity maps make the pajama pants into shorts. This means you only need to add textures for the pants (left -- box 04 / right -- box 05) and the top (box 08). Then you have a complete set of short pajamas without worrying about all the rest of the textures.

This allows faster development by saving a number of steps. Of course feel free to change any of the filled in areas like the belt, straps, add or remove opacity maps, etc.

If you like black and white pajamas, these can be worn as is too.

Perfect for a pajama party or slumber party. This is a full outfit.

Please try before you buy or derive. Sorry, no refunds. Thanks for your support!

CBholidays Shop is the new holiday and seasonal focused shop by CBMVB. The CBMVB Original Shop will begin to focus on designs that are not tied to specific holidays or seasons.