Remember going outside? When no one else wanted to be, I mean. Eerie clouds racing hard over the sky. The wind lashed your hair and clothing about as madly as the treetops (not that you are the sort of 'diva' type to care about that in the least. It felt good.). Everyone else scattering, running, looking for cover, for familiar, comforting, bright environs, but you strode right along, out to the most remote field you could find. The calm and gloom of dim daylight that painted the grass and the trees with a sullen bluish-purplish-silver, the fierce, balmy winds, all filled you with a wild, raw, relentless feeling, didn't it?

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<.< . . . or, you know. Maybe it didn't. Either way, I made the original 'Looks Like Rain' scene as the perfect room to fit the 'rain' furniture items -- and now, you can build high into the sky and try to touch the clouds! I made sure to use all the exact colors, effects, and textures on this multi-level building room: the grass is wild and matted, olive green. The clouds are animated, they go quite fast -- they are 'mammathus' clouds.

I really hope you enjoy this room. ^_^; I sure do! =D Just uhh . . . remember not to stand too close to any trees or . . . metallic. Things. o.o;

Derived from Whystler's 'ATL - Hexland' MASTERPIECE. ^_^

Oh, one more thing. Keep in mind that anything you wear in this scene that is not self-illuminated will have a weird purplish tinge to it. It's that way on purpose. o.O; You HAVE been outside in crazy weather, right? >.>;

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