So I made a new kitchen (link) for my new condo (link) and needed a few more matching appliances. See, Izzy is just a normal girl who wants a normal life. So she sells guns and other various accoutrements of war to fund said life. Anyway, I found a mesh with everything you could possibly want: a microwave, a mixer/blender/ninja thingy, a coffee pot with a basket AND a single-serve option for pods or K-Cups or whatever you call them at your house, some untensils made of thermoset and bamboo so as not to scratch your pots, some storage jars, a big mixing bowl and even some groceries. So I deved all of this up to match my kitchen and rectified a few of the "stock" textures which were less than impressive like the bottles, bread and the bananas. Is it wierd all the sucky textures started with B? The paper bag was fine--bag starts with a B...
This is a random close-up. When I was a freshman I never thought I would have any use for an degree in graphics design. But all of my friends were going to that college and my father was paying for it. I figured it was a throwaway and just a convenient way to get prerequisites out of the way before I went to a real college. LITTLE DID I KNOW I would be a middle-aged woman playing on IMVU. lol Live and learn, da ne?
So there you have it. Another lazy Sunday at D.G.D. Enjoy! But to make sure that you will enjoy it, always...
Try it before you buy it!