New Club No 3

The Chill & Black version

A intimate club / bar with plenty of features including a bar,

viewing platforms and 2 private rooms

newclubno3pic26.jpg picture by mutsies


How to use the lift

Stand on the spot infront of the lift and type the trigger rooms

There are on each side of the club a lift, each on goes to an other private room

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The private rooms one on the left and one on the right of the bar in de club



The lift returns every 45 seconds to the club just type on the spots infront of the lift

The trigger club and you will go back

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Furniture is not included


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The private rooms one on the left and one on the right of the bar in de club


Take the lift to get there


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 I have used these furniture to make this club complete

You can find them in my catalog or click on the icons





More different colors in this club you can find in my catalog

Or you can click on the icons to see more pics


Click on the Banner

developermutsiebanner.gif picture by mutsies

mutsiebanner.gif picture by Mutssss