Formal Free Woman Robes of Concealment

These are a request but left public for others to enjoy. Apparantly, no one really makes things for the Low Castes, so here I am. This set uses a red-decorated hood to match the trims, which is linked to. It would work for Warrior/Red Caste as well. Enjoy!

These veils ARE blending enabled, and thusly will probably kill your layerable makeups, eyeglasses and eyelashes. You have been warned. They will work with larger lipped heads, and come down for modesty and intrigue :)
Robe is in female tops, hood is in female hairstyles, veils in female accessories (bling).

Formal Robes - Poet Caste

Looking for the rest of the set?:
Formal Robe - BLUE Formal Robe - GREEN Formal Robe - RED Formal Robe - VIOLET Formal Robe - WHITE Formal Robe - Aq/Rd

Formal Set - HOOD Formal Set - RED HOOD Formal Set - Veil in White Formal Set - Veil in BLACK

Shayiera's  FW Designs

