Personal commission for DeadDollSyren.

This is the Head Four re-proportioned with eyes set to glow and eyebrows removed. It can be used with skins that have the eyebrows drawn in (try DischordiaNoir as an example, she makes skins with very stylized eyebrows and makeup) or other eyebrow replacement skin products. This head has also been resized to closer match real-life proportions. Normal IMVU heads are slightly larger than life to create a doll-like effect.

To clarify, this head has had it's eyebrow mesh set to be completely invisible, with no ghost-effect. Using an eyebrow texture will not effect it. You must find and use a skin that has an eyebrow texture drawn on it to add eyebrows to this head.

Try-it-on for 20 seconds
*Avatar shown wearing DiscordiaNoir's [DN]Cybervomit skin, enhanced eyebrows provided by the skin.

Note: Problem with glowing ghost eyebrows has been fixed. There are no ghost images anymore.