v1.8.1: Added a "News" ticker to keep the duelers up to date with the latest dueling news! :D v1.8: Rearranged the panels so they are visible to everyone, some people said they were too low, also fixed the bug where it would report wrong rep in the log panel. V1.7.5 changes(Manual update pending): Edited Soul Burn because it was over powered, PATHETIC attacks are no longer possibly, the minimum damage anyone will do to anyone is 1. V1.7 changes(Manual update pending): added spell "Soul burn" to counter act casters with fortify and balance the battle a bit more. see in game note V1.6.1 changes(Manual update pending): Added a little code that will make the winner/loser say who wont the match. This is mostly for rooms with a large amout of rings, so in case of a tournament, the 'judge' can keep track of who won without having to jump back and forth. V1.6 changes(Manual update pending): Added Spell "Vanish" check in the ingame tooltop for what it does. ^_^ v1.5 changes(Manual update pending): Bug fixes here and there and introducig the REP SYSTEM! :D That's right, the more you fight now the more rep you'll get and you can view the top 13 fighters from the button on the upper left corner. Inside the leader board you can also register to be on the leader board. You MUST register before your rep will be saved, registering is as simple as clicking the button, literally, just click the button and it'll allow you to start saving your rep data. Rep is based on how many games you've won and how many you've played. V1.1 changes: (Manual updated accordingly) Fireball: Mana cost(20) Range(150) Damage bonus removed. Light Armor: Evade chance changed from 7.5/10 to 9/10 of agility. Vitality: 10 to health and 5 to mana now. Mana: 10 from wisdom and 5 from vitality.


1. The LOG button displays the combat log panel. 2. Shameless self promotion :D 3. The Please wait will disappear in around 5 seconds and show you the join button. 4. The Join button! It will appear if there isn't a battle already going on, allowing you to play. 5. Once you have joined, you will get the little "leave" button in case you don't want to play anymore. 6. The player panels once both parties have joined. 7. The Attributes Panel allows you to choose your attributes for the battle. 8. Once you have chosen your attributes, click the next arrow to go onto choosing skills! :D