Protection Status
Made using IMVU Studio, and is compatible with Classic Create.
With the common appearance associated with natural implants or anime. EMM are a smaller, (Comparing to EML,) more defined pair of derivable breasts with a snug fitting clothing layer.

In order: EMMBack (01,) EMMFront (02,) EMMLeft (03,) EMMRight (04,) EMMBody (00)

Notice: If you see skin clipping through the top in extreme poses be sure to download the image on the bottom, (EMM Body.) Use an opacity targeting the locations and then create a texture matching the top's colors to paint your skin. Assign this to slot zero, (00.) If done correctly, and accurately, the clipping will be resolved.

Notice 2: Products were originally created using IMVU Studio which supports larger UV Maps. If your textures feel unusually blurry in Classic Create mode try utilizing IMVU Studio.

Warning: EML clothing textures are not 100% compatible with EMM textures!


(Front and Back maps are 512 x 512 format)

Right click to save images.

EMM Top Variations: