Star Microphone on request. Tis microphone is derived from the imvu microphone so has all the same options!

So save your credits and have lots of fun with this great microphone!

Quality products, affordable prices. Made by Senga01
To view all my products search on Senga or look at my homepage.

If you want to make a movie: Type = *movie #1 #2
Both '#1' and '#2' are time measurements in seconds. #1 is the length of the final movie. #2 is how many seconds it's going to wait before you start recording. So, if you want to make a 20 second movie that starts five seconds after you hit return, you would type *movie 20 5

The video is stored in your IMVU folder. What's more, you can type *YouTube and have your video automatically upload to your YouTube account.

Quality products, affordable prices. Made bij Senga
To view all my products click the banner below.


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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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