CBholidays Shop by CBMVB

Derivable Bathrobe / Bath Robe / Robe for women. White or light gray / grey with black trim. This can quickly be derived into robes and focus just on the main section with the belt and trim already filled in. Of course you can also change either the belt or trim too.

Black trim is useful for holidays such as Halloween where the main portion might be orange.

Perfect for a pajama party, slumber party, cold weather, relaxing by the fire, winter, fall / autumn, spring, even summer, or similar scenes.

Matching bathrobe available for men.

Please try before you buy or derive. Sorry, no refunds. Thanks for your support!

CBholidays Shop is the new holiday and seasonal focused shop by CBMVB. The CBMVB Original Shop will focus on designs that are not tied to specific holidays or seasons.