This is Nick's Voicebox from L4D2. It has 23 triggers, and all Audio goes to their original creator, Valve . You are my buying my time on this, not the sounds themselfs, but these are high quality sounds. try before you buy. All purchases are FINAL! Sounds are not case sensitive. Please check your audio, maybe it isnt the product having trouble, but you
Buryou - "If you do that again, I will bury you alive"
cassholes - "Christ those guys are such "
notclimb - "I am not climbing...ah it lets go.."
cwoman - "A crying woman. Wait you think she's mad the malls closed?"
dfry - "Buddy if you can get me out of this alive, I will deep fry you an entire cow"
die! - " DIE! DIE!
damn - "You look like a man who knows his donuts"
hatem - "Oh god! I hate malls.."
give - "It is more blessed to give than to receive"
comefar - "I have not... *pant* come this far.. *pant* to die now"
weknow - "Ok! Helicopters don't come back when you yell at them. Now we know that"
panick? - "Are you sure we shouldn't just panick? I think panick was invented for just such this situation.
really? - "Really?"
rass - "Restricted area my .."
eriver - "You can almost call this the Cee-men river ellis" <--- Note the joke
! - "Sssshit!"
sick - "Im getting sick of looking at this guys face"
joke? - "Is this some kind of sick joke?"
sass - "Stick it up your !"
suckon - "Suck on this!"
eworld - "If the world's going to hell, I'm taking a weapon"
yeah! - "Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!"
brightside - "On the bright side...we're all probally going to die.