A two room cabin, decorated with Victorian wall paper, tan tile in the kitchen area, and a plush carpet in the living room area. The outside is a golden oak log cabin with a brick trim along the bottom. This is a piece of furniture. This is NOT a room. You place this in your room, and use your room nodes to place furniture inside of it.

Another idea is, you can add a deck and lift it up with your furniture editing tools, to make a loft or a second floor for a bedroom, making it a 2 story. I will be making a deck soon, as well as other buildings to place in your rooms. Thanks for taking a look, and have a lovely day!

~Em~ Log Cabin

~Em~ Log Cabin2

~Em~ Log Cabin3

~Em~ Log Cabin4

~Em~ Log Cabin5

~Em~ Log Cabin6

~Em~ Log Cabin7