This is a dedication to the 751 1st nation children, teenagers, and adults
who were murdered at a catholic reform school in Saskatchewan (middle of Canada),
and their burial site was found last week by the school (Today is June 29, 2021)
with all of their tombstones illegally removed and documented being done so in the 1960's,
but much less has been documented to have passed away there.

Our hearts go out to those hard at work at identifying all of them so they can be put to rest.
The survivors that are still alive today are aging so their stories are disappearing.
Being so close to Canada's Independence Day, decided to include a special dedication to them for some
kind of hope and support, showing they are not forgotten and shall be remembered.

The Canadian Flag (headband) has been recolored to reflect this:
Changed the red leaf to black to display that the country is in mourning, and made my own tribal design to simulate this is about the natives.
I chose the colors from that zones tribal medicine wheel of the Cowessess First Nation Band
and had some good help from a new friend and some old ones :>
I learnt that feathers are as respected as war veteran badges of honor, and just as how it is illegal for
our culture to mis-represent by wearing them when they were not given to us, so it is such as well in theirs
which is why I didn't add any feathers to this headdress because this is not a warrior costume
or a character that has earned them in their story.
Instead, I've added 2 sacred medicinal leaves that natives usually like to share:
Sage (too many health benefits to list, so go google them! lol)
and Cedar, which they like to use to keep mosquitos away so I thought that's pretty useful! lol
I also chose red beads draping down just as a reminder of some of the red berries of the land
packed with cancer fighting antioxidants that they like to share too!

I will try to gift out as many as I can afford this weekend as this is part of our Covid Holiday GiftBomb Event list!
Please enjoy!