Derivable Round Diamond Studs

These fit on most heads, please try before you buy.
Or you could find much better ones here

Developers: Studs, slightly bigger as usual, to add that detail.

For the diamond just use a 64x64 texture.
The template for the rim can be found here, i recommend you re-size it to 64x64 after editing for best performance

Want to buy a textured version of this product? here are some derivations of it:
OG/StudEaring Green Cab OG/StudEaringGreenEye OG/StudEaringBrownEye OG/StudEaringBlueEye OG/StudEarring Turquois OG/StudEarringPinkCrysta OG/StudEarringBlueCrysta OG/StudEarring Diamond3 OG/StudEarring Amethyst OG/StudEarring Diamond 2 OG/StudEarring BlueSequi OG/StudEarring Diamonds
Hellstrongs Derivables
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