Ahoy there! Surprise your friends with this clock that tells the actual time. Beautifully detailed, it has a blue metallic casing, and the face is a life preserver, with blue waves in the center. The hands are boat oars. It can be set in two ways - either by just clicking on it, or by setting it manually. To set it manually you type the hour followed by ‘h’, and then the minutes followed by ‘m’. For example, if it is 2:08 you type ‘2h’ then ‘8m’. If it is 10:30 you type ‘10h’ followed by ‘30m’. At one minute to midnight, you type ‘11h’ (or ‘23h’) then ‘59m’, and so forth. The clock will continue to show the correct time for as long as you have the window open and active, but note that if others join the room with the clock in it after you have set it they will see the default time until you set it in their presence. Made for my Cape Cod Cottage, but will look great in many settings. A special feature allows you to "try on" non clothing items using the Peer Review preview screen. Check it out by clicking the button above. (This will log you into the client.) NO REFUNDS. If you like it. please leave a review. Reviews help developers earn and maintain Pro status. Thank you for your patronage.

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