Triggers are as follows --- Cheer = yaay, Aaah 1 = aah, Aaah 2 = ah, Bell = bell, Falling bomb = fb, Chopper = h1, Countdown = cd1, Deal w/this = deal, Dooh = doh, Bomb 1 = pow, Bomb 2 = poof, Fly 1 = f1, Fly 2 = f2, Fly 3 = f3, Fly 4 = f4, Get On Up = gu, Glass = gb1, Growl 1 = grr, Growl 2 = grrr, Laugh 1 = lool, Ok Baby = kk, Breath Heavy = mm, Radio Tuner = rt, Ready To Kick = azz, Real mad = rm, Speed of Sound = sos, UFO 1 = u1, UFO 2 = u2, Evil Welcome = hya, Where Have U been = wth, Evil laugh = haah, This Is Dynomite = dyno, Yall Ready = yall, Can U Feel It = cyf, Check This out = cto, Dance Ur Off = dance, Say Hell Yeah = yeah, Get On Up = get, Hit me = hm, In The mix = mix, Oh My Gawd = gawd, Back In Time = bit, Rock The house = rth, Say What = huh, Ooo Thats Bad = bad,