
RockYou FXText

hot nights peek-a-boo skirt

hot nights hot nights hot nights hot nights hot nights hot nights



You are only purchasing the skirt (with panties). The shirt i'm wearing is L~ Frayed Heart Pink
by LiquidDiamonds
Hair is Venia WildBlast Peach
by VeniaImperiosa
Eyes is ~M~ (E) Pine
by Mayu22
Skin is PVC.DollSkin.Medium
by ClearWing

Friends and loyal customers,
I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for your growing support.
But due to my hectic r/l I just don't have the time to send personal thank yous.
I hope you understand, and i so much did enjoy stopping by each and everyone's home page.
I enjoyed finding out your personality and what you enjoyed.

Of course you can always leave a message on my home page I would love to hear from you :)

If you would like to continue to support me and my products you can add my banner to your home page,
and as always a nice review of my product would make me extremely happy
If you do decide to add my banner to your page, drop me a line on my home page and let me know.
Thank you,

Please remember to leave a small review at the bottom of the product page, you could win a free gift from my catalog

forbidden fruit designs