Dark Red Chenille Sofa:
This lovely dark red Chenill Sofa has a soft brushed pattern in the material.
The four throw pillows on the sofa are in a vivid gold, mulit-pleated, vertical satin material.
The sofa makes a lovely addition to any living-room, open space area in the home, villa, or beach house.
The legs to the sofa are in a burnished gold and almost match the throw pillows. (note:in some rooms I have found that the bottom base pedal to the legs do not show but are a lil into the floor--not an issue just makes the legs on the sofa look long and tall).
This sofa has many seating positions and work well with serveral poses that are in the IMVU catalog poses section.(not listing any favorites to use as each person has their own favorite they like and if your do not have one yet then you might want to get one).
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Sheer Layered Shirt Navy, Sheer Layered Mini Navy, Black FlipFlop & Cowrie, and other GnawtyGirl Desings can be seen here.