Love your skin but wish you could swap out your lipstick once in awhile? Well, now you can! This skin-tight mask replaces just the lipstick on any skin, giving your avatar shiny, siren-red lips. WORKS WITH THE ELLEN HEAD ONLY.

NOTE: You do not need to own the Ellen Head in order for this lipstick to work. It will automatically change your avatar's head shape to the Ellen Head. To see all the colors for the Ellen Head, click here.

THE LIPS ON THE ELLEN HEAD DO NOT OPEN. Therefore, while wearing this head your avatar will be unable to perform certain animations, such as sticking out the tongue. This is not a problem with the lipstick; it is problem with the original head from which this product was derived, and I cannot fix it.

If you would like this shade for the default head, click here.
If you would like this shade for Head 4, click here.
If you would like this shade for the Jen Head, click here.

Check out my other lipstick colors here!

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