Venia Head 2.0 Lashtastic!

So here's my thing. The default eyelashes that come on a lot of heads make me crazy. They are pixelated and yucky - basically looking like bad mascara. I normally would have to wear skins with heavier eyeliner to cover them up. The skin I have on in the picture is one I LOVE but couldn't always wear depending on the head.

I know I could wear the fask lashes, but they mess with my add on eyebrows. It's a mess! So now I can wear this skin because of this head's softer lashes! YAY!

on my other head you couldn't change the eyes or the skin on the head. This one does not have that problem. The only thing that isn't changable is the fact that the eyelashes are now soft. So...yeh! Enjoy! Seeing Is Believing! Try Before You Buy!

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